Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Vegas Trip

We just got back from 4 days in Vegas, and I am still trying to get used to the time change. I'm not sure I ever adjusted while out west, but I'm certainly tired today. We went for our friend's 40th birthday. It was so much fun, but I definitely missed Evans while we were gone. She got to spend a week with my parents and Hubs' parents. They split their time taking care of our wild child. Busy, busy. I think all are recovering with much needed sleep now!

The first day, we checked out Madame Tussauds Wax Museum at the Venetian. I have always wanted to see this, and the wax people actually do look realistic! It was crazy. The artists apparently take 200 something measurements and photographs of the celebrities to make these figures.

We hung out at Venetian for a while and ate lunch at Margarittaville. Of course, we go all the way to Vegas and wind up somewhere beachy.... That night we checked out the Flamingo and called it lights out by midnight. The flight and time change left us exhausted.

Day 2 we went to the pool at Caesar's Palace. So nice to have a relaxing day in the sun, not chasing around a toddler :) Although, all we did was talk about her.... Funny how that is. The drinks and food by the pool were insanely expensive ($20 for a pina colada!) so we packed up after a couple hours and headed to "Old Vegas". We went to the Freemont Street Experience, and I'll just say, yes, it was an experience. One I don't want to repeat. Naked old men and women on the street just walking around. For real. You just can't un-see that. Yikes. Once we realized we were in cookooville, it was time to leave and head to the Mob Museum. At the museum, you can see the wall from the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. That was pretty crazy to see the bullet holes and blood stains on the bricks.  The museum had a lot of history on Vegas and how casinos and such came to be. I definitely recommend visiting if you are in the area.

That night we hung out at The Bellagio. Cocktails at Lily Bar, dinner at Prime, and then later we walked out to see the Bellagio fountains doing their thing. It's pretty crazy to see in person.

Day 3, the men went off to play cards while the ladies went SHOPPING! Marie and I hit The Forum shops at Caesar's. That night we went back to Venetian to check out the famous Bourbon Room and saw Rock of Ages. Rock of Ages is a guilty pleasure movie for me.... mostly because of the music. I'm an 80's dork and I just don't care!

Vegas is great for people watching. We saw some of everything out there.  Wow.  Great time with friends, but sure am glad to be home to this little girl!