Saturday, December 28, 2013

Two Weeks

Well, we have survived 17 days with this little nugget. Hooray! Newborns are demanding, who knew?? Demanding and wonderful. 

I think she is ready to eat... 

When she was 8 days old, my friend Erica with Tomme Hilton Gallery came to take her newborn pictures. Here are a couple of edits... Can't wait to see the rest! Erica is so talented. 

We had so much help her first two weeks from all the grandparents. My mom was with us from the day before she was born up until Saturday when Evans was 15 days old. Wow. I was excited to see how Hubs and I would handle things on our own, but when it came time for the help to head back to SC I got so emotional! I did not expect that. I'm not really the crying type. I'm happy to report that the three of us are getting along ok. We are gonna make it!

Breastfeeding remains the biggest challenge to date. The first week was really hard and I almost gave up a few times. Evans picked it up like a dream, but dang it hurt!! Everything you read says if it hurts you're doing it wrong- not encouraging. 

But, everyone I talked to basically said "p-shaw, it hurts like hell in the beginning". That was all the motivation I needed to stick with it. I'm so glad I did! By the end of week 2, I feel like we are pros at this with absolutely zero pain. The time commitment is a big one, but as long as it is working, I figure why not keep at it? Happy baby and happy mommy. 

On sleeping- it's minimal for me, what can I say. The life of a new mom. However, we discovered E does not really like laying flat on her back, so the past few nights she has slept in her bouncy seat. It works like a chaaaaarm. Hooray! She's sleeping 3 hour stretches and going right back down after she eats. Glorious. 

She also enjoys her morning sponge bath  a whole lot. We haven't bathed her in her tub yet, but it won't be much longer. Sweet munchkin.

We still think she looks like me. My mom showed me pics of myself at this age, and the resemblance is crazy. It's weird to see your face on another person...

So, two weeks in and still learning everyday. I've got a B.A. and a J.D., but this is the best education I've ever gotten :)