Saturday, we woke up to loud hammering... the siding guys were back at it early that morning. Totally fine with me, I'm ready for this project to be done! They are fast little workers. I can't imagine doing this job... being extremely afraid of heights and even more afraid of manual labor.
But, these guys are pros. By the time they left Saturday, the back of the house, and side, and the bay windows were covered with new boards.

Of course I can't wait for it all to be painted now, which should be happening today or tomorrow. Our neighbors thought the actual Hardieplank color was the color we had chosen, saying they "loved the color". This really made me want to make a sign out front of our yard to tell everyone this is NOT the finished look. Now I know my neighborhood is filled with little white liars. :)
Saturday afternoon I had a baby shower to attend for a friend that is expecting TWIN GIRLS in October! So exciting. She and the babies got lots of great stuff.
On Sunday, Hubs decided to smoke a few racks of ribs. One of the many perks of being married to a man in the poultry industry is having a husband that knows his way around a grill. Two weeks ago, he was in a BBQ competition out in Iowa for work, and his team came in FIRST PLACE! I was so proud of him and his co-workers and customer. But, I was even happier when he decided to bring home the skills and make ME some ribs, too. Ribs in front of a pregnant woman? I quickly had sticky fingers and sauce all over me. These were ridiculous.
Sunday night I had dinner with girls from small group... Mexican of course. Baby can't get enough! I finally got to meet my friend Tyler's 3 month old, who is precious. He pretty much slept the whole time we were out, such a good baby!
I got around to recovering shades and hanging sconces in the nursery, too. I got an email this morning alerting me that I'm almost to the "home stretch", or 3rd trimester. That made me get chills, I won't lie. There are days I am SO ready, and then there are moments when I feel I have so much left to do still.
In any event, it was a great weekend and the weather was perfect. I love the cool fall breeze. We opened up the windows all weekend and turned the AC off. It was perfect! Now it's Monday, again, but at least football starts this week. GO GAMECOCKS.