A couple nights ago, we found ourselves in the usual hungry-not-a-clue-what-to-make show. Midway through our back and forth "I don't care, what do you feel like?" questioning, I got distracted.
"Woah, look at that. Something is happening with my belly button. Do you see that? Look!" I proudly poke out my life-carrying gut, and the remnants of what used to be my normal belly button.
"Oh, uh yea. I see." He's a little hesitant.
"But, really, do you see that? Look!" I have to make sure he acknowledges this change. I move myself and my protruding stomach closer.
"I see it, Ashley." He backs up. Is he holding his breath?
"Isn't that weird? Look, touch that! That is weird!" Three steps closer.
"No, I really don't want to." I realize he's all but molded himself into the wall behind him.
"Touch it, it's so weird." What's the big deal?
"I really do not want to." He's sweating.
"That's so odd!" I am halfway ignoring his nervous tone and shaking. He could be having an anxiety attack, but I'm too interested in my newly formed outie.
"Stop it....." He's panicked now.... "Ok, I'll make dinner."
Then I snap out of it. "Dinner?"