Catching up on Christmas week!
While we were at my parents over Thanksgiving weekend, we helped my mom set up her trees and get out all of her Santas... which Evans quickly took over as her "kids" in her "class".
Evans is a pretty good little helper if you give her a clear job to do, and of course supervise. When we got back home, she helped me set up our tree and had so much fun doing so.
She also decorated her own little tree for her room. It took everything in my OCD being to not move the ornaments around, ha.
Her tree is filled with ornaments that she has made.
We also put our smaller tree on the porch this year, I kind of already miss the Christmas decor, but I'm ready for it to go by the time New Year's Eve hits.
Our house all merry, merry
Evans and I put together a gingerbread house this year, she put so much candy on the roof that it fell down. She didn't care, it was a fun project to do together. She ate most of the construction.
She loves to bake, so when she was home from school we did lots of it. She helped make Christmas sugar cookies!
No booboos, the kid just thinks bandaids are an accessory.
My sweet girls
The Sunday before Christmas, my Aunt Judy held her Christmas party. The cousins play games and open gifts together. Evans got a puzzle and Mae Caroline got some stacking rings. The adults also had to play a game where you draw a picture on a piece of paper placed on top of your head without looking. It had to be a tree with ornaments, a star, fireplace, stockings, etc. and you got points for different things. I won! Ha.
Ready for Santa!
Our cards this year
Setting out cookies and milk
The girls' big gift this year was a playset. Mark and my cousin Sean worked on this thing on day, and Mark was still working on it that night. It was finally finished at 11:15 pm. Woo.
Santa loot
I got Mark a painting of our house
Miss priss opening gifts
Mae Caroline likes her toys
Christmas day we went to Beaufort to visit Mark's side of the family
Evans got an art easel from Emily Ruth, Addison and Houston and she loooooves it.
MC being cute
Emily Ruth and Evans (and Boofie)
MC getting into everything
Girls playing in Emily Ruth's room
The next day it was on to Columbia. More baking...
They made No Bake Cookies. So yummy!
Me and my girls
I can't believe they were both sticking out their tongues, ha! I guess they were over picture time.
Three generations!
Evans loves some Rush's (who doesn't?)
Mae Caroline playing at the girls' new kitchen. Papa and Dma got a big play kitchen to stay at their house for the girls to play with when in town. Spoiled rotten.
Not so patiently waiting to see what's behind the Frozen towel...
opening Mae Caroline's presents for her (aka "helping")
She also got bracelets... which she hasn't wanted to take off since that day. Bracelets 24/7. She sleeps in them (which is funny because I hear jingle jingle jingle all night, HA!)
I think the biggest hit has been the playset at our house. We have been out here sun up to sun down almost every day. Good thing the weather has been so nice!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a great New Year's Eve celebration. We stayed home this year and I actually stayed awake for midnight! Unbelievable!
Happy New Year!