Tuesday, December 29, 2015

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks! Hopefully the next couple months are easy breezy (HA, yea right)

Size of baby? At my last ultrasound (30 weeks, 5 days) she was measuring 3 lbs, 13 oz.  65th percentile.

How I'm changing? Oh, I'm huge. I mean huge. I forgot how much growth happens in those last few months. 30 pounds gained so far.... 8 weeks (or more) to go.

What I miss? My clothes! My sleep (complete insomnia now)! Although I know the sleep probably won't return for a long while. The clothes, however, I'm struggling! It's been so hot in Savannah (80 degrees TODAY at the end of December). I don't really have any larger maternity clothes for being this far along because with both of my pregnancies I have been due in the winter time. All of my comfy stuff is long sleeved and way too hot. I'm getting by with a few (as in 3) random super stretchy sundresses that can be paired with leggings. I know everyone is tired of seeing my outfits on repeat!!

Nesting? I guess Hubs and I are both trying to finish up a few house projects before Mae Caroline is here. This week we are having our new dishwasher installed (the old one has been leaking for over a month- fun!). Also yesterday and today we've had a crew here cleaning out the attic and putting in new spray foam insulation. This old house sure needed it!

I got around to finishing up the girls' bathroom shade. One step closer to completing that project.. still some painting left to do... hint hint Hubs.

What I look forward to? I'm sure it goes for all parents, but we are so excited to meet this girl and see what she looks like. All we can picture is Evans! I do wonder if they will resemble each other. It's always funny to see siblings that look like one parent or the other and not very much alike. I wonder if that will be the case with these girls or if they'll be twins. Who knows!

I also look forward to seeing Evans as the big sister. I think she will be challenged at first and jealous. But I do think with time Mae Caroline will become Evans' new favorite "toy". We'll have to keep a close eye on them both :)