We had the BEST weekend down in Savannah! It was E's first trip down there, and first time meeting all of my mom's side of the family. She was going through some stranger danger/anxiety the past few weeks, but I knew this trip she'd have to get over it. My family is HUGE and definitely NOT SHY. They are in your face hugging you before you even get a word in. For real. She was not sure about this at first, but got over it by the end of the weekend. I'm so thankful my grandparents are still alive, and that they met Evans.
Love this picture of 4 generations!! Me, Mom, E, and Meemaw
With Meemaw and Deedaw, Evans was playing with Deedaw's hair. Ha! So amused by it.
We stayed with my cousin Brooke. Her boys Jackson (2) and Cooper (4) LOVED Evans. When we arrived, Cooper shouted "Ohhh Mom, She's sooooooooooooo cute!!!" It was adorable. Here's Jackson loving on her. He kept saying "Hi Baby Evans". Her name is officially Baby Evans to them.
Evans with my cousin Mandy who is expecting a little boy in about a month!
To say E was worn out doesn't really explain it. She was exhausted by the time we left to come home Sunday. She slept almost 3 hours on the ride back! And then took another hour nap when we got home... and slept her usual 12 hours that night as well. My goodness!
She did great sleeping in Savannah. She got to bed later than usual both nights and slept in the pack-n-play at Brooke's. I wasn't sure how she would do, but it didn't seem to bother her a bit. She went down both nights around 8 (1.5 hours past bed time) and slept through until around 8 the next day. Brooke was laughing about how much E loves to get her zzzzz's. It is hard to believe that this little girl just would not sleep her first three months of life. If you had told me then that this girl would sleep so much now, I probably wouldn't have believed that.
She is trying to crawl constantly. She's getting her legs up under her and pushing, but still not going anywhere fast. She will get it eventually!
This week we upped her bottles to 7 oz each, 4 times a day. And she started on SOLIDS!!! Yay! She wasn't the biggest fan of oatmeal and gave the funniest face- like what the heck was that? But, she LOVED apples. Like dove for the spoon and said "mmmmmmmm ohhhhh". It was hilarious. She will eat oatmeal, but only mixed with apples. She's had apples around 5:00 the past two days. Next week we'll try out sweet potatoes!
After eating apples the first time. Sugar high? Wearing a lot on her bib.
This week she also had her first real giggle! She's been smiling and squealing for weeks, but I'd never really heard her laugh hard. I was beginning to think she just didn't find me all that funny. I was tickling her tummy yesterday, and she busted up with a belly laugh. It was the best sound I've ever heard.
She continues to grow bigger and longer. I don't know what her length is, but she's definitely filling out 9 months pants. Still on the petite side for weight- 14 lbs 10 oz now.
She is so much fun these days. I mean, sure, she causes me stress when she has a crappy nap day or a fussy moment, but overall things are great. I couldn't ask for a better baby at this stage in the game. Nights are so incredibly easy with Evans. I give her a bath, plop her in her crib and she goes right to bed. No rocking, no convincing, none of that. She LOVES bedtime. She's still sleeping 12-14 hours at night. Hooray. Please, please, keep this up!!! Love you, little girl!