Before I start rambling on, I want to say THANKS for all the sweet comments and emails on my headboard project. It was a big undertaking, which I figured out about halfway into the mess, and I'm happy with the results and hope that it inspires you to roll up your sleeves. If I can do it so can you! Now, where was I. Things I learned, or rediscovered, about myself this weekend. In just two days time. This is a deep post I tell you. Deep.
The movie GREMLINS. It came on TV over the weekend and as my hubby was flipping he said, "oh, I've never seen this." Of course being the 5 star wife that I am, I said, "ok, honey"... knowing I'd be asleep in minutes. Gremlins. Thirty years later, and I still hate that movie. Now, with my admitted nerdville sci-fi obsession, love of all things dubbed cult classic, and my fascination with the 80's, you would think the combination would scream Gremlin territory. And yet, it falls way short. (I refuse to admit the maker of Jaws and E.T. had any part in this film. It's like Rocky V and Godfather III, which are not spoken words in our house). Those little fur balls are just weird. They aren't cute, and I find the Peltzer family annoying to this day. Modern Furby dolls oddly resemble the Magui I've tried to forget. In high school, my best friend's little sister had a Furby. I remember secretly plotting to suffocate that thing in its sleep.
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via IMDB, Gremlins- the movie |
REO Speedwagon and Berlin. Keep On Lovin' You. Take My Breath Away. I realized this weekend that it's all but impossible for me to hear these songs and not prepare for my own little American Idol tryout. Those songs possess me. If you happen to be driving down the road along side of me and the radio plays one of these tunes, don't worry if it appears I'm being attacked by the sting of a thousand bees, what with the screaming and arms flailing about. (Unless of course it's the Jessica Simpson version, then I really am dying a slow death and you should call 911). It's quite possibly the best moment of my life up until that point. Don't be alarmed. Take my breath awaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
I love a clean house, but I hate getting it there. I know we all relate to this.. except of course Monica Geller. And possibly my mom. Seeing as neither live with me, I have to do it myself. My method this weekend was to play the two songs above on repeat while vacuuming, windexing and the like. It worked. Oh, and I threw in Journey, you know, for good measure.
Spider spray smells really good, the homemade kind that is. After killing a man-size spider in my bedroom last week (I'm serious, he all but said to me "Hi, I'm Phil, from Chicago. I'll be moving in"). I stomped him out with my shoe several times, which is probably considered homicide in several states. At the very least, California. Anyway, have you seen the spray? You mix lavender oil, lemon oil, dish soap and water and spray the perimeter of your house inside and outside. Supposedly spiders don't like it. But I tell you, you will love it. It smells delicious! I used this recipe.
And finally, speaking of my bedroom, ever since we hung the headboard, my bed is the perfect little reading spot. After a long day at the office, I love to curl up in my pjs and flip through magazines. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite times of day, next to morning coffee.
Have you learned anything about yourself lately?