Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pray Together

Pray. Together. 

A recent sermon at our church really hit home with the hubby and me. It was part of the You'll Be Glad You Did series by Andy Stanley. I know what you  might be thinking, pray together? Check. We bless every single meal. I have to be honest, that's what I thought, too. Thank you for our meal, our family, this time together, bless those not with us, keep us safe on our travels... yada yada. I'm pretty sure we can all put a check-mark next to that task. Complete. 

However, there is something more we can be doing with our spouses/significant others that can, no WILL, change your relationship. I can be bold and attest to this certainty because in the two weeks Hubs and I have been doing this, I've seen a difference in both of us. A difference I love. A difference he needs. A difference we both have grown from. 

So, what exactly is that difference? Mutual submission, that's what. You know, any step-by-step guide to relationships and any marriage counselor would probably tell you to put each other's happiness before your own. Or another way of saying it- compromise. I know we've all heard that. But, how can you mutually submit, compromise, or anything resembling selfless love if you have no idea what's on the other's heart or mind?

That's where prayer comes in. Think about it. When you pray to yourself, what comes out? Your innermost thoughts? Your struggles? Your worries? Your fears? Celebrations? Apprehensions? Maybe it's just me, but when I talk to God, I know that He knows my heart. I know I can't lie to Him. That'd be like lying to your own diary, right? You know the truth, and so does He.

Now, I'm expected to do this... out loud... WITH my husband? I know, I know. That's crazy talk, right? That's what ran through my head. Until we actually did it. 

Awkward? Yes.
Uncomfortable? Yes.
Intimate? Definitely.

It's amazing. I know more about my husband from the last two weeks of praying together out loud on a regular basis than I ever did by simply asking him "How was your day?". Over a few nights of praying together, it became more comfortable. Praying together is a reminder that God is present in our relationship. It's a reminder that we don't have all the answers, that neither of us knows-it-all, and that God is in control. Talk about humility. By mutually submitting to God, we've been able to mutually submit to one another.

So, what's our routine? I have to tell you, it isn't really a routine. There's no mathematical formula. No exact amount of "Our Fathers", "day by day by days", or "halloweds" that we use. You know what I mean. Those good and fancy prayers. I for one am not a what you'd call "fancy pray-er". You know the type I'm talking about. The ones that seem flawless and rehearsed. The ones that you probably hear most Sundays. That's just not me, and I don't think it has to be either. All we do is pray, when we can, usually before bed, and we each take turns simply talking to Him. 

Talk about anything. Talk about everything. Talk about little. Talk about lots. 
Just talk.

I think you'll be surprised. And as the series title goes... you'll be glad you did
(Really, try going to bed mad at each other after you've prayed together. It's almost always impossible).

I decided to design word art to create a little reminder for myself. Of course, it had to match my house. As I was printing it off, I thought you guys might want to use it as well. Printable link below. 

You can view all the messages in this series here. Have a great Wednesday!