Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Screened Porch: We Have Look Outs!

Hubs and my dad did some work over the weekend on the screened porch. It's really starting to look like something! We have look outs and everything! Ha. Yeah, I didn't know what that was either until Saturday. But, we've got 'em! And we've got fascia board and all sorts of other fun construction terms, y'all. I am just thrilled they were able to remove the braces and stakes out of the ground. It really looks like something now! 

Next up: metal roof! We are doing 5V style in gray for those also considering metal. I like the 5V style because to me it looks the most coastal. Ours will be similar to this but a bit darker. 

In the meantime we did take advantage of the July 4th sales on outdoor decor. After a ton of research and shopping, I landed on the Martha Stewart Lake Adela Collection from Home Decorators (also at Home Depot). It was on super sale, so I snatched it. It won't be delivered for a couple weeks and we'll have to store it until the roof is up, but I'm glad we were able to save some money! Excited! 

I also planned a quick design around the furniture so Hubs could see where it was headed. I am not sure he really cares about the aesthetics, so long as the beer is cold and the ceiling fan works. :)

Hopefully we are enjoying the porch before too much longer. I'm guessing another month or so. To be continued!