Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One Thing Remains

Just like all of you, I was so saddened to see what happened in Boston. My mom and my husband are big runners, and the thought of anything happening to them just makes my stomach flip. I talked to my mom after it all happened, and she said it made her cry. She has several friends in law enforcement that run the marathon each year. It's supposed to be an exciting day for runners and for civilians to come out and support loved ones. I thought about the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race and how awful it would be if something like that happened. It's so sad to think this is the world we live in. How people can be so evil is beyond my comprehension. 

Trying to process such an awful tragedy is nearly impossible. I won't begin to fathom the motivation behind such a terrible act. As one of my friends said, destruction of any kind takes little talent. That is so true. 

I think it's important to never forget that through it all, His love is a constant. I have had a song on repeat for a few days now. You can listen to it here.

Your love never fails
It never gives up
It never runs out on me.

Your love never fails
It never gives up
It never runs out on me.

This one thing remains.

And on and on and on and on it goes
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul.
And I never ever have to be afraid

This one thing remains.

Here's to the wonderful police officers, fire fighters, civilians, and the men and women who pick up the pieces. I'm praying for you Boston!