
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

House Updates: New Pics

Did I mention I got a REAL camera for Christmas! Hot diggity!! I was, and am, SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!! Hubs surprised me big time.  I'd been asking for a camera for years, and this Christmas was the lucky one.  Hooray!  I have a lot to learn, so of course I tried out all my different settings on what else- my house.  Ha!  Some pictures from the new camera below, what a difference a good camera can make (no more iphone pics! what!).

Half Bath

a few more pictures of the gold leafing I talked about here.  This stuff really works so well! And the stripes I talked about here.  Botanical pictures from Joss & Main (or was it One Kings? can't remember)

Ballard mirror... towels from Steinmart.  I've updated the towel bar (mom got me a really cool antique gold SC towel bar for Christmas!) and removed the white picture above it since taking this picture... and in true half-a blogger fashion, I do not have a picture of that update... :) oh and I definitely didn't empty the trash before snapping this picture - I'm so cool.

Guest room- work in progress but definitely coming along!

drapes in Premier Prints Chipper in the color way eaton blue, art by Bodie Houston Gallery, frame from Michaels

euros, oversized bolster, and throw pillows from Pottery Barn, plates from TJ Maxx

the quilt is from Steinmart ($20 for a QUEEN I might add), sheets and bedding Pottery Barn, bedskirt I made myself (completely from stitch witch because I don't sew) from Robert Allen Cats Cradle in color way papaya, rug was a present from the in-laws and is from Pottery Barn... and ignore that ugly cord. oops :)

Bodie Houston Gallery art, bird plates from HomeGoods, and my grandmama's nightstand

accessories from HomeGoods, wall color is Sherwin Williams Anew Gray

my parents' old cane rocking chair, oh yea I was rocked to sleep in this baby! and the hubs' baby quilt... say it together- awwww.

an old desk of the hubs' that got a face lift years ago with  Benjamin Moore Wythe Blue and new hardware

my great grandmama's mirror 

Bodie Houston Gallery abstract art

I still want to find another nightstand (maybe do an ikea hack? we'll see) instead of the low table on the left side, and maybe add more plates above the bed to fill it a bit more (that's a big wall of negative space), and of course I still want some big chunky lamps on either side the bed.


not much has changed in here, light from, shades are in the fabric Waverly Seeing Spots 

painting by yours truly (Bodie Houston Gallery).. are we seeing a trend here? Yea, I have to do my own artwork because I can't afford anyone else's, ha ha! 

And the biggest work in progress of them all- 
Master Bedroom (at least I actually made the bed for this pic)

and my 4th grade style headband made it's debut in this pic... oops. 

Oh, still so much to do in here... but it's a long way from where it started (y'all, it was bright purple when we moved in, with burgundy drapes, no lie...).  I'm heading to Scott's this weekend and hoping, praying, meditating over finding huge industrial metal numbers.  A girl was there a few months ago selling them for $25 and they were BIG.  The ones I've seen in stores for the same size are right at $100 PER LETTER/NUMBER.  That to me is absurd.  Wish me luck!

And that completes my new camera house pictures dump.  I love my new toy!!! Thanks hubby.