
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas in Columbia

We went to SC for Christmas to see the Houston side of the fam.  A quick run down on Christmas day with this bunch:

Addison and Houston got new gloves.....

Addison reacting.. and Houston saying something along the lines of "oh, I definitely needed a new one of these". 

Lauren and Add

Emily Ruth shows Uncle Mark her new game

Mark's parents get a docking station and ipod! 

E gets an American Girl doll

Reading the story of Christmas

my nephew Addison read most of it... it was precious. 


oh, and I got a visor autographed by Spurrier and Connor Shaw from my in-laws... to say I was excited is an understatement.

trying to contain my excitement

E teaches Blakely some tricks

and gets licked in the process, ha ha

silly girls 

All in all a great weekend with family that went by way too fast!