Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Must Haves

I'd been out of makeup for, gulp, 2 weeks, and had been scraping the bottoms of my eyeshadows, powder, and lip gloss cases for several very long and scary days.  Now, this may be a silly post to most people, me being one of them.  I wouldn't consider myself a girly girl by any stretch.  I never have been all that into makeup or clothes or shoes or jewelry.  I'm much more drawn to spending money on home dec, sporting events, and food than the latest pumps or sweaters (which is also why I'm still wearing clothes purchased 5 or so years ago...) I'm really not big on shopping or window browsing, which is why 80% of my buying consists of online checkouts.  That's just me.  But, last night I realized maybe I do have a bit of girly flair to me... there is hope after all... because I got so excited when I saw the packages labeled "MAC" and "Dermalogica".  Really, I flipped.  Finally, I can stop spooking people with my makeup-less face as I replace my empty tubes of products.  So today, I give you this non girly-girl's list of must haves.

MAC eyeshadow in Shroom.  My go to base shade.  This shade works all year long, and MAC eyeshadows have deep pigments, so the color will last you all day. 

MAC plushglass lip gloss in Power Supply.  The first lip gloss I've found that will actually stay on, and doesn't have a funny taste.

MAC pressed mineral foundation.  I love you.  Light weight, easy to apply, powder feeling.  Doesn't break me out like a 15 year old.  I could go on and on about this wonderful product. 

And Dermalogica.  Let me count the ways.  Pretty much everything from this line makes me and my skin grateful.  I'm so thankful my bestie (thanks Ash!) introduced me to this brand.  It has done wonders for my skin.  It's not perfect skin, but it sure is perfectly happy.

Dermalogica Dermal Clay Cleanser.  Leaves your face feeling like a baby's butt.  No lie.  Plus it smells a little bit minty and refreshing (unlike a baby's butt), so it wakes me up.

Dermalogica Oil Control Lotion.  This is by far numero uno on my list of must haves.  My skin is so oily.  For years I just lived with it, until I found this product.  Life changing? Maybe not.  But skin changing, oh yes.  It actually does control the oil and moisturizes at the same time (no drying out, no peely skin).  Incredible!

There are lots of other products from this line that are great, too.  Some of my favs are the Gentle Eye Cleanser, Overnight Clearing Gel, and Multi-Active Toner.  But, this is a must have list.  These are not must haves for me, but I love them nonetheless.

Dove brand deodorant, oh, the clinical strength kind.  That's right.  Really, I know I'm from the south, where girls "glisten", but I don't feel like I'm glistening.  At all.  I'm sweating.  Like a man.  So, Dove will do the trick, and is a must have.  Until you've spent a summer in this hot humidity, you won't fully understand what we're dealing with down here. (It was 93 degrees on my wedding day).  Glistening... pahlease.

Water.  Without ice.  Constantly.  I just love the stuff.

And finally, the iPhone.  For everything.  Day and night.  Thank you for allowing me to function.  What did we do before these gadgets? And while we're on the subject... apps that are must haves:  ESPN Rankings, ESPN ScoreCenter, Pandora Radio, Facebook, and Weather Channel. 

What's on your list?