Mae Caroline turned 18 weeks old! She is still such a sweet little miss. Such a good baby!

And Evans is still wild :)
Saturday I took Evans for a golf cart ride around the island. We went to the marina and to the playground to run off some of her never-ending energy.
We don't have a water table, but she loves using the hose to fill up random tupperware containers. Water is so fascinating to her. As are bubbles!
By lunch time she was ready for her nap. So was Mommy!
A weekend isn't complete without ice cream at the marina!
Mae Carolina is sitting up so well in her seat. She also tried out oatmeal for the first time! She wasn't so sure about it, until she realized it was food. It's mostly for practice at this point. She still enjoys her bottles.
Speaking of bottles, she is now fully on formula. Our breastfeeding journey is over, but I feel like she got 4 good months. It is nice to have a little more free time for Evans now, too.
I got Evans some watercolors and fingerpaint and she's obsessed. My little artist.
We spent time over at my aunt's house with the fam. There are so many cousins that Evans can play with, it's super fun. Swimming, ice cream, play time.. all of that leads to one tired girl.
Taking a quick break in the playroom.. she was pooped. Needless to say both girls were asleep by 6:00 last night! They were exhausted.
Hope everyone had a great 4th!