I did beef stroganoff in the crockpot for Saturday night. The perfect hot meal to end our day. Evans and Daddy had seconds!
I got to watch my Gamecocks finally get a W in the SEC. We sure will miss the HBC, but it was time. Three years of down recruiting finally caught up to us. I don't know that Elliott is the answer, but we have a lot of rebuilding to do. Hard to believe just two years ago when Evans was born we were 11-2 with 5 consecutive Clemson beat downs behind us. Yes, beat downs. Go back and look at those scores..... Ha. I miss those days!
Sunday, Hubs had to work so it was lots of Mommy & Evans time. She is non-stop energy (and only napped an hour). Not sure how I'll handle two to be quite honest! I was exhausted by the time her bath and bedtime rolled around :)
I love my little family and weekends like this. Happy fall!