A few exterior updates are in progress! Starting with lighting. We replaced the old front lights with new lanterns from Wayfair. These throw so much more light off the house. We can actually see at night now, whereas before even when the lights were on it was very dark and dimly lit. Not fun when you are trying to find your keys and the front lock, all while getting eaten by sand gnats. Fun times in Savannah!
Out with the old, in with the new!
This is the house previous to paint... The painters got to work yesterday and finished a first coat on all the brick. They are coming back today to finish the brick and start on the trim and windows.
After the first coat of paint! I'm so pleased with the results already. What a difference paint can make! To me, it feels more coastal cottage and less 50's ranch. Hooray!!
Being the super impatient lady that I am, I had my dad go ahead and pull off the brass kick plate and door knocker from the existing front door. We have ordered a new door, but it won't be in until mid- September. In the meantime, I really did t want to stare at that shiny brass next to my new white house! Call me crazy.
Now I have to decide on the shutter color, as those will be painted this weekend and hung next week. Originally, I wanted stark contrast with a deep charcoal. But now that I see the house painted, I'm sort of leaning towards less contrast in a gray that will relate to the roof. One thing is for sure- I am set on a blue front door!! I may even have to paint the existing door blue just so I can see the effect.