
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas in Atlanta

After Christmas weekend, my parents came to Atlanta to do Christmas with our side of the family, and to see my sweet nieces Grayson and Lily.  We don't all get to be together that often, so it is always treasured  when we do.  

And now it's time for a Grayson photo shoot in the hubs' office.  She's quite the ham.

I seriously told her to strike a pose, and this is what she does... 

her daddy walked by...

and now she is over it...

peeking outside at Blakely, aka "bwakey woof woof"

sweet sweet Lily pie, 6 months old

let's eat... on daddy's lap... and Lily is saying "hey, over here, Dad!"

my cute parents, married 31 years  

Gray and Rachael saying hello to Blakely

Gray kept saying "it's a doggy, hi bwakey"

On to present time, Gray opened everyone's presents for them...

Here ya go, Papa, it's some sauce

I got the girls matching fur vests and coats from Restoration Hardware Baby & Child

snow leopard Lil

What did you get, mommy?

I made Rachael silhouettes of the girls and framed them in Pottery Barn's gallery frames.  They turned out pretty darn cute if I say so myself! 

Rach- "Who is this little girl?"   Gray- "It's Grayson!" 

I made the silhouettes for my mom, too.  Some close ups before I wrapped them... 



If you have Photoshop CS, I used the vector tool.  Pretty simple if you know how to work CS.  I had my brother send me profile shots of the girls from his phone one day.  We are so sneaky.

Back to present opening....bows are for your hair Aunt Ashee

She got a doll baby 

Showing Papa how said doll works 

And tickle monster/ trying to get a decent picture time with Aunt Ashley... and this is how that turned out... squirming goose

note to self... put camera on continuous shutter speed with Gray Gray....

and finally one decent picture.. mommy had promised her princess stories to get her to sit still

Lily did a better job with her photo op with Aunt Ash... haha 

After the present party at our house, we went over to my brother's a few days later to watch the Outback Bowl.  The game otherwise known as the campaign launch of Clowney for Heisman.  Go Gamecocks!