
Monday, January 14, 2013

Scott's Antiques & A Birthday

What a weekend!  How is it Monday already?  I think I say that every week.  Last Friday my brown dog Blakers turned 1.  For most dogs, that means they are out- or really close to out- of the puppy stage.  Ha. Not for this chocolate lab.  She is still all puppy, and I don't see that changing in the near future.  I love her so, crazy and all.

birthdays are tiring....

sun bathing....

are we going on a walk or aren't we?

This weekend was also Scott's in Atlanta.   Scott's is a HUGE antique market that is once every month down at the expo center.  What seems like a bazillion different vendors come and set up their goods in hopes of selling all the loot.  I snapped some pictures along the way.

painted furniture is obviously in right now, and it was everywhere at Scott's

this dresser almost came home with me, but I decided against it last minute 

need an antique LV coffee table?  Just $1100...

mirrored furniture was everywhere, too

need a hide? how about 50?

how about a botanical print?

or baskets 

 or lamps 

how about a headboard? these are by Burlap Street.  They will custom make a headboard from any fabric and any color scheme, and they were very affordable for headboards.  Most of the kings were under $500! 

need a chair? 

cool tables and benches outside- mix of iron, wood, and upholstery 

rugs galore 

And with all these goods, can you believe I came home with nothing? HA! My friend Ann found a cool picture frame made of scrap metal from old buildings around town, and she also got a custom made mantel.  As for me, I'll see you next month, Scott's!