
Friday, January 11, 2013


Last weekend we went to Blue Ridge, GA with our small group.  My friend Tyler's family has a house up there that they let us use last year around this time, and we decided we'd be coming around the mountain for a 2nd annual mini vaca.  We went up Friday night after work and dropping off the Blakers at camp.  Blue Ridge is about 1 1/2 out of Atlanta, so it's a perfect little weekend getaway without feeling like you lived on the road- which is a major plus for us Atlantans.  

the view 

Saturday we got up semi-early to get the day started.  Hubs and Tyler during an intense morning Scrabble match... 

The girls would be heading into town and the boys were off to shoot sporting clays.  

Ready to head to downtown Blue Ridge for shopping, lunch, and what we thought would be a day at the local nail salon.... more on that in a bit.....

There is a really cute home store in Blue Ridge, GA called Gracious Home.  If you are ever in the area, you should definitely stop by.  They have everything from rustic mountain stuff to Ballard-esque styles to baby gear. When we went last year, I came home with a really cute rustic mirror that now lives in my foyer.  Here's a few of the goods I found on this trip...

After shopping, we went to lunch at Harvest, which I would also recommend if you are ever in Blue Ridge. Yum.  But, get reservations ahead of time because it can be packed.  I guess that happens in a small town when you are THE restaurant, haha.  Once lunch was over, we were on our quest to find the nail salon (Dazzle) where we had appointments.  After walking around staring at our GPS phones for about 15 minutes, we decided to ask for directions.  You'd think someone that actually worked at the salon would know directions.  Wrong.  The salon girl said something along the lines of "what's that road we're on" and "go straight and you'll pass 2 businesses and that's where we are".  Go straight, from where? Towards where? What businesses?  Seriously, that was it.  Finally, after stumbling around, we asked a construction workery looking guy who could only be described as "local" where the Wendy's was (we somehow along the way figured out the salon was near a Wendy's).  We thought the luck was better that he knew where the food joint was than the salon itself.  Righto.  

Forward 15 or so more minutes, we somehow run into the salon,  holla!  We found it!! But not so fast. Upon entering (it was about 1:25 at this point, our appointments started at 1) the rude little high school girl says:

"Uh, we can only do three a' y'all".  
Us- um there's 4 of us? 
"Yea, well we can't do it, we close at 3. 'S'only two a' us"
Us- yea, ok, bye. 
And 9 months preggo Bess (from the safety of our locked vehicle)- "B!#*h please!
At that moment, I thought I'd keel over from laughter.

What the heck! You can't stay open 15 minutes longer to make $100? Really?  I was ready to walk out right when the girl was being rude.  I'm not going to force someone to take my money.  Ridiculous.  I should also mention that they were DEAD.  Not a single client in sight.  So, needless to say, I would NOT recommend Dazzle if you are in the Blue Ridge area.  It was anything but dazzling.

But, all was not lost.  We went back to the house and opened a bottle of wine and laughed hard about the events, painted our own nails, and then the boys arrived back from shooting.

the hosts- Jimmy and Girl Tyler

Boy Tyler and Ann

Bess and Jason

Bess (due end of Jan.), and Tyler (due end of May) enjoying their non-alcoholic Coors... mmmm....

It was hard to leave this view behind, especially after such a fun weekend!  Thanks Tyler! 

And speaking of great weekends, this weekend is Scott's here in Atlanta.   My friend Ann and I went a few months ago and are heading back tomorrow.  Scott's is only once a month, and you can find anything and everything interior design related and beyond, from $ to $$$$$$$.  It's all about the hunt, and I cannot wait! Here's to Friday!