
Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Party

This weekend we hosted our small group Christmas party.  We ate way too much, laughed enough to burn off those calories, but then we ate some more... so... in the end I probably gained 5 more pounds yesterday.  Laughter crunches and all.  It was worth it though! Last year we did tacky sweaters and white elephant gifts. This year we ditched that and came as ourselves (maybe that's still tacky?) and swapped $10 useful gifts.  We did a gift swap by reading The Night Before Christmas and passing gifts left and right according to words read in the story.  It was pretty funny.. and by the time the story wrapped up, the gift wrap was smashed.  Ha!

We always have interesting conversations, and I'm not really sure how we constantly get on such random topics.  Things we learned this go round: you cannot wash cups in a washing machine, babies can be born a month early, you do not get a tax break for merely giving birth, being born on 12/12/12 at 12:12 is no big whoop, Jason and Jimmy like to wear the same shirts to every holiday party, and Bess is Santa. Things we are still debating: whether it's appropriate to wear your husband's socks ( I say yes if need be ), and whether the Jesus mug is sacrilegious.  That one could go either way.

let's dish- apps, london broil, italian spicy shrimp, mac & cheese, potatoes, asparagus, rolls, desserts

the Dunaways


the Weeks and Baby Weeks

the Ewings and baby Ewing

gift exchange 

the smashed present 

 Jimmy's Not Here! (except that he is)

the guys

the girls

Bess tried to refuse this picture, can't you tell by the look on her face? 

which caused us to erupt in laughter.....

Such a fun night! Hard to believe two years ago we were all strangers heading to Group Link... CRAZY! Time sure does fly.