
Thursday, January 21, 2016

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks and some change, almost 36 apparently. My due date based on cycles is 2/28. Based on the early dating ultrasound, and every ultrasound since then (I've had one almost every doctor visit due to the earlier hemorrhage mess), it has been 2/20. We've been going with 2/24 as a middle date. At my appointment this week, my doctor said she was going to go with 2/20 based on growth, ultrasounds, and where I'm at right now.  Not really sure why you'd move a due date just 4 days up, but heck if I have to be induced for going overdue I'll take the 4 days! I still think this is going to be a March baby.

Size of baby? Big.

How I'm changing? Same stuff happening. So uncomfortable. I am SO much bigger this pregnancy than the first go round. Holy moly. Insomnia is getting really bad and I'm so exhausted. Irritable. All the usual third trimester stuff.

Am I ready?  I am VERY ready to get my body back and stop carrying a load. I am NOT ready for a newborn however, haha. I am more of a six months plus kind of mom, if that makes sense! I'm terrified to go through the sleepless nights again and all the exhaustion, but hopefully this round will be better than the first. Evans was just so hard on me with her nonstop crying and no sleeping for months. But dang are they ever worth it!

Will I miss it? I wrote one long sappy post when I was pregnant with Evans on how I'd miss pregnancy. This time? No. This may be my last pregnancy, so that makes it a little bittersweet, but I have to be honest and say I do not like going through pregnancy. I'm not one of those women who just fly through pregnancy no problem. I love the end result and am so grateful, but pregnancy doesn't agree with me a bit. Especially this time. It's been so much harder physically. We aren't sure if we'll try for one...or two... (gasp!) more kids in the future. What we do know is that we are going to have one very long extensive review period on how we do with 2 girls. HA.

Best Moment of the Week? When Hubs got home from a business trip and took over Evans duty, leaving me time to take one long hot bath. My oh my how my back needed it! The aches and pains this trimester are ridiculous!