
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Weekend

This weekend I was in total clean up and throw out mode.  I was so sick of looking at clothes that I never wore and half of which that didn't fit, toiletries I never used, art supplies that had dried up, and basically junk drawers at every turn.  I went in with a freakin' mission.  I started with my closet- anything I hadn't worn in the last year that wasn't special occasion attire was out.  I had to be firm with myself because I always try to talk myself into "well I might wear this at some point" and then I never do.  Let's just say a Goodwill pile turned into a mountain.  And then the hubby joined in.

Then I turned my attention to the bathroom- throwing away half used lotion bottles, hair sprays, old makeup, and anything that had collected dust and I didn't use in the last week. That was an entire kitchen trashbag worth of stuff I didn't need.  It also helped me realize how much I waste on beauty products, and it helped me set a new budget goal.  On a regular basis, I rotate about 5 shades of eye shadow,  two shades of blush, mascara, 4 shades of gloss, and powder.  That's basically it.  I only need one thing of lotion, one thing of face wash, and the rest was trashed.  Just like that- GONE.  And it felt great! 

By the time I demolished my room, the art room felt like a piece of cake.  In minutes I threw away crappy paint and paint brushes that were out of commission, along with several other miscellaneous items I came in contact with in the guest closet.  Poor trash guy won't know what hit him this morning....

wow, I can actually walk into this room now... you should have seen it before...

And after all that cleaning, I rewarded myself with a gel manicure.  The color is a grayish brown.  It's gel #106, no idea what the actual color name is.

Hubs and I also joined some friends for dinner Saturday night in historic Roswell.  I LOVE this area of town.  To me it's the cutest part of the 'burbs.  Reminds me so much of downtown Columbia, SC, so I feel right at home. We went to INC Street for dinner, and had to wait a million years.  We didn't realize it was restaurant week, oops.  So to kill time we had apps at Party Chic.  That place is so darn cute! 

Party Chic

Once we finally made our way to a table at INC, the shrimp tacos and margaritas were totally worth the wait.


Hope you all had a great weekend.  Mine was lovely... and actually productive!