
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Counting Your Blessings

Last night the hubby, Blakers and I got cozy and watched a classic together.  Probably my favorite song from White Christmas is "Counting Your Blessings".  

This scene is so heart warming to me, and it makes me reflect on my own life.  I have so many things to be thankful for, and yet so much of it I take for granted on a daily basis.  How about you?

These two are everything to me.  They drive me crazy, and often.  They make me laugh, and often.  They make me worry, they make me happy, they make me pull my hair out, they make me glad for each day I'm alive.  Blakely probably thinks her name is "No!" and Hubs probably thinks his name is "Fine!", but I wouldn't trade them for anything.  

They are my No and my Fine, and this is what a blessing looks like.

Lord, help us to always remember to count the blessings in our lives.  Thank you, God.  Amen.