
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bible Studies for Christmas

As you could probably gather from the title of this one, I wanted to share a few studies that relate to this season.  If you aren't a church person or a Christ follower, this probably isn't the post for you (or actually, it definitely IS the post for you).  In that case, I will see you in a couple days with more random thoughts and house pictures!

Still reading? Oh, great! Ha.  The hubs and I have started a tradition of doing Christmas focused Bible studies in the month of December.  Last year we read scripture from the Christmas story each night.  This year we dove a little bit deeper, or what the hubs would say "these are meatier studies".  If you haven't taken the time to have prayer with your husband, I promise you the first time you do this, you will not regret it. You might even, gulp, like it!  There is something about it that I can't really describe, you'll just have to try it out for yourself.  ( sap alert- being married to a godly man is HOT, just sayin'! )

The first 4 are links to the studies, the last is a reading plan for the story of Christmas.  Hubs and I did the study on "Born of a Virgin" last night.  It took about an hour, just to give you an idea.

Scripture for the Week Before Christmas

The Birth Foretold:  
12/18: Isaiah 40:1-11
12/19: Luke 1:26-38
12/20: Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23

The Birth of Jesus:
12/21: Matthew 1:18-25
12/22: Luke 2:1-14

Shepherds, Wisemen: 
12/23: Luke 2:15-20, Matthew 2:1-12

Peace on Earth and Peace with God:
Christmas Eve: Luke 2:13-14, Romans 5:1-5

Gift of Eternal Life: 
Christmas Day:  1 John 5:11, Romans 6:23, John 3:16, Titus 3:4-7, John 10:27-28

Hope you enjoy these with your family! Merry Christmas!