
Thursday, November 1, 2012


Can anyone really believe it is already November?  Even more, can you believe my birthday is around the corner? Ha! 

November is my favorite month of all the 12 to choose from.  The weather is awesome, it's my birthday, it's Thanksgiving in Savannah time, and towards the end it's time to pull out all the Christmas decor and know that you have a full month ahead of you to enjoy it! November, you rule.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, it's a good time to reflect on what you are thankful for.  Pssst- I know you have a lot to be thankful for, but do we ever really think about it?

(c) Health Mentor

Today I'm really thankful for coffee.  I am usually strolling through my day off 6 hours of sleep (if I'm lucky) and trying to group together enough brain activity to "be a lawyer".  Some days I really do feel like Miranda Hobbes when she said "I can't believe I have to go pretend to be a lawyer now".  It's true.  

My parents got us a Keurig a few years ago, and I'm not sure how I would get by without it.  It's by far my favorite kitchen gadget.  So quick and easy to brew a cup in the mornings on the go, and it's convenient for me because Hubs doesn't drink coffee.  I used to wait for whole pot to brew, and most would be wasted.  My favorite K-cup is the Donut Shop brand.  It's delicious, plus Sam's carries it, so we always have a mass quantity on hand.  If I'm not K-cupping it, Dunkin Donuts is my brew of choice.  Ashley Runs On Dunkin.  That should be their real slogan.  One cream, one sugar, down the hatch.  

My favorite time on Saturdays and Sundays is when I'm still in my pjs, curled up on the couch with my mug-o-joe.  I love that little 15 minute span where I get to just *be* and wake up good.  

(c) Nescafe
(c) La-la-la Bonne Vie

I've been eyeing one of these cozy wraps for coffee mugs for a while, too.  I think I might need one.  Aren't they super cute?

early bird 1210 on etsy
tweedy cab on etsy

made4ucrochet on etsy
made4ucrochet on etsy

And by the time I publish this post, I'll probably be at work, sipping on a fresh cup.  What are you thankful for today?