
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yay For Best Friends!

Yesterday my friend Ash and her little girl came in town for a quick (too quick) visit.  I know we all say our friends are cooler than others, but in this case it's true (haha!).  I love her more than chocolate (well, maybe not more than Reese's).  We've been friends since we were missing teeth.  Case in point....

(she may very well kill me for posting this one, circa 1996)

Going on 15 or 16 years now we've been the "Ashley twins" (her name is Ashley, too, y'all... very creative mommies in the '80's, ha ha).  Crazy how much life we have gone through together! Middle school, cheerleading, dancing, high school proms, college roommates, weddings, baby showers... you name it.

Braves game, 755 club

Headed to a wedding


my wedding

her baby shower

(side note- we pose in front of my parent's fireplace a little too often it appears) She has always been a real friend and never once let me down.  How many people can you truly say that about?

Now she has this little nugget that keeps her busy. Her name is Riley.  Say hi Riley...

Love her!  Do you have a friend that puts a smile on your face?