
Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Friday

I came across this inspirational quote the other day, and it really hit home with me.  I always wish I had started something and kept up with it so that I could be presently enjoying the benefits.  Whether that be saving money, eating better, working out, or spending more time with family, there's always some goal that starts out strong (like say just after New Year's Day) and fizzles out.  But, we always wish we had stuck with  it, whatever it may be.  
So, I started to think.  What in a year from now will I really wish I had started doing TODAY?  For me, it's saving money.  It's not that we spend a lot by any means, because we really don't.  I pride myself and my husband on being pretty money cautious and budget friendly.  But, there's always more you can do, right?  So, what can I do now that I'll be SO glad I started doing in 365 days? An automatic savings plan.  Check! I've signed myself up to save X amount of dollars from every pay check.  It automatically rolls into my savings account, so it is like it was never there to begin with.  By setting it up for automatic transfer, I won't be forced in a tempting situation to "skip just this month".  So, Sept. 2013, we'll see if I was able to stick to this.  

What will you wish you had started today in a year from now?